Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day Two : Pick of the Day

We must defend ourselves from the nose goblins. Nia's helping.

Picked up a copy of Orcs Must Die for Joel and I on Steam tonight, 'cause it was only $3.74 and I heard it was pretty good. Having played a couple levels, I agree! There's just something inherently satisfying about lining a hallway with wall arrow and tar traps and watching the hordes be mowed down, unable to do anything to stop it. Or maybe I'm a little bit twisted.

At the moment, the tiny one is napping in her pack n play, the bed of choice in the cold months because her room has no heating vent. But she's getting to a point where she may be ready for a toddler bed. Her room is mostly used for storing her clothes, and changing her diaper now that it's gotten all wintery, plus she's getting pretty good at falling asleep on her own, without being crankyfaced about it and wanting sleepytime snuggles. There have been several times now where she's just grabbed Rolly Frog, snuggled him on the livingroom floor, and went to sleep peaceful as could be.  Once she even climbed up on our bed (we don't have a frame, just boxsprings/mattress on the floor) for her afternoon nap, with no prompting.

For now, coffee is brewing, and I'm still full from the scramby eggs and crescent rolls I made for lunch/dinner (linner? dunch?). Mmm, scramby eggs. Have I mentioned I've gotten a newfound love of cooking? I still don't really get the "starting at 4 o'clock to make dinner" thing, but I guess it depends on what you're making. I've found I can make a great variety of meals with the same several ingredients, none of which taking all that long to prepare. Perhaps at some point I'll post some recipes of my "Science" (which is what I call my cooking experiments - 'cause usually that's all it is, experimenting).

Oh hey, coffee's done.  Guess this entry's done too.

So here's Day Two of the dailies.
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