Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day One

This is the view from my office.

I made a resolution to start keeping a daily blog in 2012, but now that I've started, I don't really know what to say that I haven't already said before in other places, to other people.

Might as well start with introductions, it's as good a place as any. One day people I don't know might read this...


My name is Tori. No, it's not short for Victoria, though sometimes I wish it were. I'm almost 30 (though not quite yet), an artist, geek, toy soldier, girlfriend, and work-at-home-mom. Among other things.

It feels weird talking about myself o.O

Well, back to the picture. The view from my livingroom/office. This was taken a few days before Christmas, no the carpet doesn't always look that clean :) My tiny one was having an uncharacteristaclly "good" day, sitting quietly and gnawing on her apple puffs. It seems like most of the pictures I take are at home... I do go out of the house, I just never think to take pictures when we're not home, for some reason.

When I'm not busy being a housewench - you know, cooking, cleaning, barefoot, kitchen, blah blah blah - I also run a couple little online shops, and paint custom digital illustrations (4-5 hours a day, 20-35 hours a week) at totally random times of day.

This is all very new to me, though. Five years ago, I would not have ever dreamed I could have the life I currently do. Don't get me wrong, it could be better - well, the money could be better. That's really the only thing that's lacking in my life these days, is a comfortable income. My family and I are reasonably healthy, we have a stable roof over our heads, a beautiful little girl who is the joy of our lives, and a strong mutual commitment to each other. You'd think that in a family like this, money wouldn't matter - and to a point, it doesn't. We just wish the jump from "just scraping by with the necessities" to "being able to afford modest luxuries" wasn't so rough.

But compared to five years ago, it's like the freakin Ritz, man.
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