Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day Six & Seven

Well, it would seem that I skipped a day, though I didn't mean to. I had an entry all written up, and I made the mistake of going to bed without posting it, and apparently Windows did an automatic update overnight. Yay!

So it's been an interesting couple of days. Google+ is getting pretty interesting, the more people/groups I add to my circles. There's a political one that I'm a member of (well, as much as one can be a member of a G+ circle) that sort of floods my feed with articles and things about the antics of various republicans. Thanks to G+, I've learned a lot more about politics in the last month than I ever have in my life. And it's so very disappointing. Pretty much every politician out there has totally forgotten what separation of church and state means, almost all of them base their campaigns on one religious viewpoint or another. While they're busy bitching about this imaginary war on god, they're waging war on education, health, and personal freedom.


Been thinking about what I want to do with this blog; I've mostly been using it as a journal, which is fine, but I think eventually I'll want to start going more seriously into self-improvement/life-hacking stuff.

I left behind a lot of Bad Shit™ in Massachusetts. It kind of irritates me that I'm still carrying a lot of that baggage with me after a year. I try not to "shrink to fit" anymore, but sometimes I still catch myself doing it. Need to internalize the fact that being different does not mean being inferior. That it's okay to be who I am and not stress about what other people think of me, because you can't please everyone. My logical brain knows these things, it's getting my emotional brain to agree and STFU that's the hard part.

Making forward strides, though. Starting to reach out to people - friends I haven't spoken to in years, strangers that I look up to or like how they think. Actually commenting on articles and blog posts and places where others might *gasp!* see what I have to say. So far it's been pretty good for me, even made a couple friends through disagreements with them. Isn't it great when you start off arguing with someone and then end by finding that they're really interesting?

So on today's To Do list is, finishing a couple more commissioned paintings, starting another, listing a couple more prints on my Etsy store, and cleaning house.

Sounds like fun to me :P
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  1. why have you not continued?.. maybe you're too busy huh?.. i can understand that.. ^_^..

    so, based from the pictures, you're a mom? (i hope i got that right).. lolzz.. yeah.. i'm just actually looking for a blog with no comments and commenters.. i just think that it would be fun to be the only one to see a life from this point of view.. hahaha.. pretty dramatic on my part isn't it?.. lolzz..

    and by the way, i like the picture with the girl (i haven't actually read it yet, so).. i hope you continue.. doesn't matter if you make this into a diary, well, it's a blog so you can do anything with it (not entirely anything, nothing illegal, okay?).. ^_^.. oh and i too actually just started using google+ a few months ago.. kinda nice..

    well, good luck with everything ^_^..,

    1. First let me say "holy crap, people read this?" :P
      Second... you're mostly right ^_^; Yep I'm a mom, the wee one is almost 18 months now :3 She certainly does keep me busy, especially now that she's getting into books and nursery rhymes - it does get a little tiring to read the same ten rhymes over and over and over again on demand, haha...
      But anyway. Thanks for the comment, and the encouragement! It was just what I needed to push out another post ^_^
