Monday, January 2, 2012

Day Three : Heavy Skillet

Mmm, seafood/chicken stir fry. What a great way to get rid of stuff that needs to be used :P

The more people I add to my Facebook / Google+, the more disappointed I become with general humanity. In my efforts to reach out and be a less socially awkward human being, I'm continually taken aback by the lack of compassion and empathy for one's fellow man, and by how so many people are caught up in stupid little problems like it's the end of the world.

That, and I should really stop reading - I only found the site today, and after only two pages of quotes, I'm really starting to wonder if euthanasia is such a bad idea. Especially when you consider that those whiners are RICH ("My mom bought me a new iPhone 4S for christmas. Nevermind that I hate apple products and touchscreen phones, wish she'd stop being such a bitch and learn my tech preferences already").

It also makes me worry about the kind of people / kids Nia will be associating with when she gets older. After reading about a mom that bitched out a daycare center for buying generic cookies instead of name brand ones (We pay good money for our child's daycare and we expect OREOS dammit, not Kroger Kid-O's!) for a picnic. I wonder what that uppity mom had to say when she found out pizza is now officially a vegetable?

I have no doubt in my mind that one day, my daughter will be forbidden to play with one of her friends because their uptight republican yuppie mother hates my liberal hippie ass for serving up Peter Pan instead of Jif (or some shit like that). And then I'll get to explain a very hard part of human social dynamic to a sweet-natured kid: People will hate you for stupid reasons, and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it.

Given the state of education in this country, homeschool is sounding more and more like a good idea. If Nia ends up being anything like her mom and dad, she'll be way ahead of the material provided at her grade/age level, resulting in boredom and lack of concentration. Which in my case, led to poor grades. Teachers these days like to call those kinds of kids mentally disabled, because obviously, poor grades mean stupid kid, right Einstein?

I guess I'll just have to burn that bridge when I come to it.
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